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遠藤保子Yasko Y.E.

1978年 東京都出身。

武蔵野美術大学・造形学部通信教育課程 油絵学科在学中。





Yasko Y. E.Yasko Yokoyama Endo

Yasko was born in Tokyo, 1978.

At the age of just 15 years old, she went to the United States alone and got inspired by the different cultures, and then travelled to Europe as a backpacker. After returning to Japan, she enrolled in an art school. Around that time, she discovered oil paint and began creating artworks. After graduating, she made a living as a graphic designer while continuing to work as an artist. In 2023, she enrolled in the Musashino Art University and joined the oil painting course. Most of her work is made from oil paint, while using materials and techniques like dermatographs and temperas. Since 2022, “Hokori no su”, which has been the theme for most of her work, is a collection of thin lines drawn using a dermatograph and tempera glacé to depict the divisions between coexisting multidimensional worlds. The works “Life”(2024) and “Translucent”(2024), which uses the “Hokori no su” theme, depicts people who exist on the other side of the border. By using skulls and not limiting facial expressions or racial characteristics, the viewer will be able to imagine a figure in another dimension, like a mirror image.

■ 個展


2023 「Invisible Coexistence 〜不確かに共存するものたち〜」 ギャラリーからーず、東京

2010 「Art Gallery Part 3」 東京純豆腐青山店、東京

2008 「Americana」 gallery okarina B、東京


■ グループ展


2024 「薔薇と髑髏」 Gallery Cafe オンディーヌ、東京

2023 「第49回 i.m.a.展」 東京都美術館、東京

2006 「HAVE A GOOD EYE 2」 ニューアートセンター、ニューヨーク

2003 「Expo ARTEC 2003」 カルーゼル・ドゥ・ルーブル、パリ

2001 「Kunstkammer 2001」プラハ城、プラハ

   「第54回日本アンデパンダン展」 東京都美術館、東京


■ 受賞歴


2023 「第49回 i.m.a.展」​ 優秀賞(ホルベイン賞)

2003 「Expo ARTEC 2003」 欧州芸術大冠賞受賞

2001 「Kunstkammer 2001」平和友好賞受


■ 関連文献


2001 「芸術百家第10篇」 朝日アートコミュニケーションズ

   「21世紀芸術ルネサンス」 産経新聞

Solo Exhibitions


2023   “Invisible Coexistence”  Gallery Colors, Tokyo

2010   Tokyo SUNDUB-Aoyama, Tokyo

2008   Gallery Okarina B, Nezu, Tokyo


Group Exhibitions


2024   “Rose and Skull”  Gallery Cafe & Bar Ondine, Tokyo

2023   49th International modern art exhibition, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, Tokyo

2006   “HAVE A GOOD EYE 2”  New Art Center, New York, NY 

2003   Expo ARTEC 2003, Le Carrousel du Louvre, Paris

2001   Kunstkammer 2001, Prague Castle, Prague, the Czech republic

           54th Japan Independent, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, Tokyo




2023   49th International modern art exhibition, Excellence award. (Holbein award)

2003   Expo ARTEC 2003, The Grand prize.

2001   Kunstkammer 2001, Friedens-und Freundschaftspreis.


Publication on the artist

2001   The Graceful Collection 10th edition,  by ASAHI art communication 



2001   21st century, the Art Renaissance, by SANKEI shinbun. 

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